Our Pricing
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Translation prices depend on several factors: the complexity or technical nature of the content to be translated, the language combination, volumes and delivery time, content repetitions etc. How and why do these elements impact on translation pricing?
Volumes and delivery times
An urgent translation of several thousand words means calling upon translators with immediate availability. The translators must be able to give their full time and attention to the project to ensure timely delivery. This may have an impact on the translation price of the concerned project. Recurring translations may also impact upon the translation pricing: a recurring request may mean the price of translation is lower.
Content complexity
Complex or technical content, for example an employment contract or user guide for an electronic device, will require an expert translator with advanced knowledge.
A translator who has an excellent grasp of the specific terminology required in the industry is essential if you want a quality translation. A translator with this level of expertise will be paid more than a non-specialist translator who works on simple, generalist translations. So translating an employment contract, for example, will cost more than translating e-commerce product descriptions.
Language combination
Today, it is possible to translate content into multiple languages. Just because the most popular languages like English, Chinese, Spanish or German are the most requested, it doesn’t mean you won’t need to translate a document into Slovenian or Thai.
You should know that the price of your translation will also depend on the language combination you need, in other terms the source and target languages. A translation with a popular language combination will be less expensive than a translation with a more rare combination as there are likely to be fewer translators available.
Our Pricing
We charge one of the lowest per word fees within the translation and localization industry.
* Translation rates are based on translating from English into other languages. Actual translation rates are specific to each language pair.
Other Languages That We Support
- Afrikaans
- Amharic
- Tigrinya
- Oromo
- Somali
- Zulu
- Haitian-Creole
- Yoruba
- Hausa
- Swahili
- Lingala
- Igbo
- Afar
- Bambara
- Creoles Pidgins (English-based Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (French-based Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (Portuguese-based Other)
- Dinka
- Ewe
- Fulah
- Fulani
- Ga
- Kikuyu
- Kinyarwanda
- Kongo
- Mandingo
- Ndebele North
- Ndebele South
- Nyanja
- Shona
- Siswant
- SiSwati (Swazi)
- Sotho Northern
- Southern Sotho / Sesotho
- Tswana
- Wolof
- Xhosa
- Rukiga
- Rundi
- Arabic
- Arabic (Saudi)
- Arabic (UAE)
- Arabic (Moroccan)
- Juba Arabic
- Arabic Chad
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Farsi (Persian)
- Persian (Farsi)
- Dari
- Pashto (Pushto)
- Urdu
- Kurdish
- Sorani
- Kurmanji
- Kazakh
- Kirghiz
- Uzbek
- Tajik (Tajikistan)
- Tajik
- Azerbaijani
- Berber (Other)
- Tamazight (Morocco)
- Yiddish
- Ndebele
- Kirundi
- Cape Verdean
- Edo
- Nigerian-Pidgin
- Kikongo
- Cameroonian
- Pidgin English
- Akan/Twi
- Tamazight
- Malinke
- Ga
- French
- French Canadian
- French (Cameroon)
- French (Senegal)
- French (Morocco)
- French (African)
- Italian
- Sicilian
- Udmurt
- Portuguese
- Portuguese (Angola)
- Portuguese (Mozambique)
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Spanish
- German
- Finnish
- Swedish
- Danish
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Icelandic
- Irish
- Polish
- Czech
- Creek
- Russian
- Georgian
- Ukrainian
- Croatian
- Catalan
- Hungarian
- Romanian
- Albanian
- Armenian
- Bulgarian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Bosnian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Estonian
- Latin
- English
- Canadian English
- Montenegrin
- Macedonian
- Maltese
- Serbian
- Chinese
- Chinese Simplified
- Chinese Traditional
- Chinese Mandarin
- Chinese Cantonese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay
- Indonesian
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Tagalog
- Filipino (Philippines)
- Cebuano (Philippines)
- Cebuano (Bisayan)
- Ilocano
- Iloko
- Hiligaynon
- Hindi
- Bengali
- Punjabi
- Nepali
- Tamil
- Gujarati
- Khmer (Central)
- Burmese
- Mongolian
- Sinhala (Sinhalese)
- Chin
- Dzongkha
- Hmong
- Javanese
- Kannada
- Karen
- Kashmiri
- Malagasy
- Malayalam
- Marathi
- Oriya
- Tajik
- Telugu
- Rohingya
- Hakha Chin
- Kyrgyz
- Jarai
- Meitei
- Afrikaans
- Amharic
- Tigrinya
- Oromo
- Somali
- Zulu
- Haitian-Creole
- Yoruba
- Hausa
- Swahili
- Lingala
- Igbo
- Afar
- Bambara
- Creoles Pidgins (English-based Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (French-based Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (Other)
- Creoles Pidgins (Portuguese-based Other)
- Dinka
- Ewe
- Fulah
- Fulani
- Ga
- Kikuyu
- Kinyarwanda
- Kongo
- Mandingo
- Ndebele North
- Ndebele South
- Nyanja
- Shona
- Siswant
- SiSwati (Swazi)
- Sotho Northern
- Southern Sotho / Sesotho
- Tswana
- Wolof
- Xhosa
- Arabic
- Arabic (Saudi)
- Arabic (UAE)
- Arabic (Moroccan)
- Juba Arabic
- Arabic Chad
- Turkish
- Hebrew
- Farsi (Persian)
- Persian (Farsi)
- Dari
- Pashto (Pushto)
- Urdu
- Kurdish
- Sorani
- Kurmanji
- Kazakh
- Kirghiz
- Uzbek
- Tajik (Tajikistan)
- Tajik
- Azerbaijani
- Berber (Other)
- Tamazight
- (Morocco)
- Yiddish
- Ndebele
- Kirundi
- Cape Verdean
- Edo
- Nigerian-Pidgin
- Kikongo
- Cameroonian
- Pidgin English
- Akan/Twi
- Tamazight
- Malinke
- Ga
- French
- French Candian
- French (Cameroon)
- French (Senegal)
- French (Morocco)
- French (African)
- Portuguese
- Portuguese (Angola)
- Portuguese (Mozambique)
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Spanish
- German
- Finnish
- Swedish
- Danish
- Dutch
- Norwegian
- Icelandic
- Irish
- Polish
- Czech
- Creek
- Russian
- Georgian
- Ukrainian
- Croatian
- Catalan
- Hungarian
- Romanian
- Albanian
- Armenian
- Bulgarian
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Bosnian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Estonian
- Latin
- English
- Canadian English
- Montenegrin
- Macedonian
- Maltese
- Serbian
- Chinese
- Chinese Simplified
- Chinese Traditional
- Chinese Mandarin
- Chinese Cantonese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay
- Indonesian
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Tagalog
- Filipino (Philippines)
- Cebuano (Philippines)
- Cebuano (Bisayan)
- Ilocano
- Iloko
- Hiligaynon
- Hindi
- Bengali
- Punjabi
- Nepali
- Tamil
- Gujarati
- Khmer (Central)
- Burmese
- Mongolian
- Sinhala (Sinhalese)
- Chin
- Dzongkha
- Hmong
- Javanese
- Kannada
- Karen
- Kashmiri
- Malagasy
- Malayalam
- Marathi
- Oriya
- Tajik
- Telugu
- Rohingya
- Hakha Chin
- Kyrgyz
- Jarai