Machine Translation Post Editing Service (MTPE)

MTPE is the ideal solution for a speedy turnaround time with human-guaranteed accuracy. The Translation Gate’s machine translation and MTPE can help you cut costs, reduce turnaround times and boost your business.

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    What is MTPE?

    Post-editing of machine translation output (MTPE) is the process of revising the ready machine translated content by trained editing experts and start editing it in a way that matches the client’s requirements. Editing professionals are well trained to work on correcting any grammatical and syntax errors as well as improving SEO. In addition to that, the post-editors correct and standardize the MT result and adapt it to the relevant specialized terminology.

    Although Machine Translation (MT) offers a highly efficient substitute for normal human translation with the ability to automatically translate millions of words per hour, the most advanced Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems can’t match human translation in its appropriateness and clarity of the translated text.

    Accordingly, running linguistic reviews by in-house and in-country subject matter experts is super important to ensure the best quality and consistency of the final product and deliver it 100% efficiently to the client.

    As a result, machine translation post editing rates are cost-effective, durable, as well as time effective with the best quality.

    Machine Translation Post-Editing: How does it Work?

    Normally, post-editing of machine translation as the name suggests is needed when any LSP has an MT engine translation project and needs editing. Most translators and LSPs take advantage of this technique as it combines both the speed of machine translation (MT) and the acquired knowledge of the human being.

    Linguists first use computer-assisted translation tools (CAT) to do the initial translation. Far from the basic standard that can be obtained via free online platforms such as Google Translate, the programs are able to provide high-quality suggestions.

    This is often done by feeding already-translated documents on the same subject into the software. Then, it can easily be able to read the new text for similarities and suggest phrases based on the texts it has already analyzed.

    After the machine translation is done, a Post-editor will work carefully on the translation. He starts working on the MT text; he should accept it, edit some phrases or even re-write the whole sentences ensuring that all the text seems natural and relevant producing high-quality translated text.

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    What are Machine Translation Post Editing Types?

    1. Light post-editing

    It is considered a basic overview of the MT text so the Post-editor only runs a minimal intervention including checking major issues and unreadable lines. The expectation for this sort of translation usually is when the client will be utilizing the translated text for inbound purposes only, when the translation is needed urgently, or when the deadline and text are short.

    The light post-editing purpose is simply to ensure that the copy is comprehensible.

    1. Full post-editing

    It involves a greater level of intervention; ensuring that the machine translation (MT) text has the highest quality. Full post-editing is most used for texts with high visibility, such as marketing and promotional content.

    What advantages does MTPE offer?

    1. Time-saving; as it is 30% faster than human translation without machine translation
    2. Cost reduction; translation costs are reduced at the same time.
    3. High quality; as it achieves the highest quality after being edited by humans.
    4. Time-to-market acceleration, because multilingual information products can be distributed much faster.
    5. Quantity advantage; as the large volumes can be translated into many other foreign languages in a short time with the highest quality.

    Why Choose Us?

    24/7 Customer Service

    We offer a dedicated Project Manager Support and assistance via email, phone and chat, working around the clock to provide the best, fastest service.


    With 16,000+ certified translators working across all major time zones, we can comfortably keep pace with your content needs, no matter the volume.

    On-Time Delivery

    We provide the finest performance levels in the industry, and our workflow is optimized to guarantee over 98% of on-time deliveries.

    Guaranteed Quality

    Even though your translations are made quickly, accuracy is guaranteed through our rigorous control process.

    Need high volume machine translation post-editing (MTPE)?

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    When to Use Machine Translation Plus Post-Editing?

    • When your project needs a culturally sensitive or relevant translation.
    • If the translated text needs technical knowledge (such as medicine, mechanics, law).
    • When your project is around translating public-facing materials (such as advertisements, product descriptions)

    Terminology Management and CAT Tools

    Using terminology management and translation memories TM in MTPE are very useful, the same as in normal translation, as they are used to optimize the efficiency and consistency of large volume MTPE projects.  

    The Translation Gate’s terminology management tools help ensure your glossary and style guide are very well implemented during the MT process. Following the first translation, our Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools ensure that human linguists and reviewers are able to employ terminology standards consistently across all documents while working to ensure the linguistic quality of deliverables.

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    The act of evaluating and correcting machine translation outputs by human translators is known as “Machine post-editing,” and it is done to make sure the final translation quality is up to standard and serves the intended purpose.

    There are two main MT post-editing types, based on the level of editing to be achieved, which are light and heavy.

    Light post-edited machine translation involves linguists to a certain extent. What happens is that Linguists will correct machine translation output with the minimum number of changes only when the target is not understandable or doesn’t convey the meaning of the source. This solution:

    • Its output is an understandable translation with no major errors, but it’s not stylistically perfect.
    • Is intended for lower-priority content where speed is more important than quality.
    • Might produce a translation that sounds literal or unnatural.


    Full post-edited machine translation solution is a top-quality translation process with enhanced efficiency provided by our neural machine translation. The goal of this solution is to have the same premium quality as a standard human translation process. This solution:

    • Produces a final product that’s equivalent to a human translation-only process.
    • Can be followed by a proofreading and/or quality management step.
    • Usually maintains the same number of steps as a human translation workflow, with the first step becoming a full post-editing step instead of a translation step.
    • Is suitable for technical content and all other types as well.


    The best way to get an exact price for your MT post-editing service is to fill up our quotation form. Once you fill it, we will give you a free consultation.